Follow-up of consultancy contracts with fixed fee 

Funding: Swedish Transport Administration
Project duration: 2018-2019

Project description:
The purpose is to evaluate the effects of fixed fees on consultant deliveries in the traditional areas of Time, Cost and Content (TKI). In addition, the study will also evaluate the effects on the development areas Collaboration and Innovation.

The study consists of a quantitative part on which a survey will be used for data collection. The survey is being developed by the researchers in cooperation with the Swedish Transport Administration. The second part will contain a qualitative study of some selected contracts where interviews will be the major data collection method.

Project leader: Per Erik Eriksson, Luleå University of Tecnology
Johan Larsson, Luleå University of Tecnology
Ossi Pesämaa, Luleå University of Tecnology

Contracts: Per-Erik Eriksson –

Participating universities