Collaboration in infrastructure projects – models and implementation processes in the Swedish Transport Administration

Funding: Formas, Swedish Transport Administration

Project duration: 2017-2021

Project description:

Infrastructure construction projects are carried out by complex and temporary project organisations involving many companies and client functions with different competencies. Especially in complex and uncertain projects, individuals and functions need to establish a flexible and innovative collaboration across contractual relationships to jointly handle challenges and act upon new information. The Swedish Transport Administration Trafikverket has recently developed new models for procuring, organising and leading projects with different levels of collaboration. This PhD project will follow up the implementation process and evaluate experiences from selected projects with higher ambitions and needs for collaboration. Also international comparisons are planned. Apart from the scientific output, the project will contribute to the further development of tools, guidelines and support functions for procuring and managing collaborative projects at the Transport Administration.


PhD student: Lilly Rosander

Project leader and main supervisor: Anna Kadefors, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Other participants: Per-Erik Eriksson, Luleå University of Technology and Tina Karrbom-Gustavsson, KTH, Göran Domås, Swedish Transport Administration


Participating universities